The Moldovan Medical Journal 2018: Recent submissions

  • Tutelca, Adrian; Juratu, Catalin; Crisenescu, Dana; Birsasteanu, Florin (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introduction: L’embolisation préopératoire des tumeurs osseuses est considérée comme une technique d’appoint très efficace pour réduire la perte de sang peropératoire pendant l’intervention chirurgicale. Une augmentation ...
  • Stoian, Dana; Craina, Marius; Petra, Izabela; Navolan, Dan; Craciunescu, Mihaela (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introduction: L’élastographie mammaire est une technique récente utilisée en complément de l’échographie mammaire dans le dépistage du cancer du sein. L’élastographie fournit non seulement des informations qualitatives ...
  • Paroder, Viktoriya (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Colorectal Cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths worldwide. Learning objectives: Critical role of radiologist in multidisciplinary pre-treatment assessment of rectal cancer will be outlined. ...
  • Caramella, Davide (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: In the last decades, cancer treatment has increased in complexity and cost, therefore a careful monitoring of the response to treatment has become increasingly relevant in our clinical practice. Content: In ...
  • Mannelli, Lorenzo (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Pancreatic cancer staging is performed by imaging, with CT being the warhorse for T and M staging. MRI and ultrasound are routinely used to address specific clinical questions. Positron emission tomography has ...
  • Mannelli, Lorenzo (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Multiple cancers have potential for metastasizing to the liver. Cancer treatment very often affects liver parenchyma causing for example steatosis or cirrhosis. The lecture aims to discuss imaging techniques ...
  • Calli, Cem (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Non-traumatic brain injuries consist of many diverse pathologies of the brain and need urgent diagnosis and treatment. Non-traumatic brain injuries include vascular and non-vascular conditions like stroke, ...
  • Derchi, Lorenzo (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Female patients with acute abdomino/pelvic symptoms are a relatively common problem in the Emergency Department. The diagnostic approach to them is based first on clinical ground (which symptoms, which age), ...
  • Abass, Alavi (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: The introduction of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) in 1976 as a joint effort of the University of Pennsylvania and Brookhaven National Laboratory opened new perspectives in medical imaging. Although FDG ...
  • Abass, Alavi (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Atherosclerosis is a major health problem and a leading cause of cardiovascular disease worldwide. The disease frequently coexists in more than one vascular bed and the clinical outcome and therapeutic options ...
  • Abass, Alavi (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Because of its ability to quantify the rate of 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) uptake, FDG PET/CT can provide valuable information related to the degree of inflammatory activity, its location and extension ...
  • Abass, Alavi (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Background: Positron emission tomography (PET) with 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) is currently one of the most widely used imaging modalities. Both the technology and the radiopharmaceutical were conceived in the ...
  • Gheonea, Ioana Andreea; Florescu, Lucian Mihai; Lapadat, Alina Maria; Meetescu, Raluca-Elena; Cotoi, Ioana Adina; Novac, Maria Violeta; Bondari, Simona (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introduction: La capacité multiparamétrique et l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) 3T à haute résolution jouent un rôle clé dans la caractérisation non invasive des lésions hépatiques focales (LHF). Certaines LHF ...
  • Caraiani, Cosmin (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introduction: La cirrhose hépatique est un diagnostic clinique, biologique et d’imagerie. Le radiologue doit reconnaître une cirrhose hépatique lorsqu’il la découvre accidentellement chez un patient. Le rôle principal de ...
  • Erturk, Sukru Mehmet (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018-05)
    Background: Hepatobiliary and pancreatic pathologies are relatively common and continue to present a variety of diagnostic challenges. Content: Imaging features of hepatic and pancreatic lesions will be reviewed with a ...
  • Caraiani, Cosmin (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introduction: La détection des lésions hépatiques est souvent constatée après une échographie. Le rôle de l’imagerie avec injection de produit de contraste est de caractériser et de différencier les formations focales ...
  • Maliga, Oxana; Rotaru, Natalia; Repin, Oleg; Corcea, Vasile; Guzgan, Iurie (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introduction: L’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire (HTAP) chez les patients atteints de cardiopathies congénitales (CC) reste le déterminant le plus important de la morbidité et de la mortalité périopératoires et de la ...
  • Cebanu, Tatiana (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introducere: Mamografia reprezintă o examinare a sânilor cu ajutorul razelor X, folosită pentru detectarea şi diagnosticul afecţiunilor mamare. Utilizarea mamografiei digitale este în creștere, iar ratele de detecție sunt ...
  • Lozinschi, Cristina (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introducere: Boala Bechterew reprezintă o afecțiune inflamatorie cronică, multisistemică, care afectează primar articulațiile sacro-iliace și scheletul axial. Scopul studiului constă în determinarea frecvenței apariției ...
  • Costin, Nicolae (The Scientific Medical Association of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Introducere: Tumorile renale constituie aproximativ 7% din totalul tumorilor la copii. Cea mai frecventă este tumora Wilms, incidența sa fiind de 6-9 cazuri la 1 milion de copii, conform datelor Agenției Internaționale ...

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