Buletin de Perinatologie 2016: Recent submissions

  • Clichici, Diana (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Введение: глютеновая болезнь является одной из главных проблем современной гастроэнтерологии из-за клинического полиморфизма и увеличения числа атипичных и скрытых форм. Для подтверждения диагноза глютеновой болезни «золотым ...
  • Romanciuc, Lilia; Revenco, Ninel; Holban, Ala (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Background: studying of parameters heart rate variability in children with mitral valve prolapse and arrhythmias. Material and methods: The carried out research has included 190 children, at the age from 7 till 18 years: ...
  • Revenco, Ninel; Cracea, Angela; Foca, Silvia; Bogonovschi, Livia (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) as defined ILAR (Durban, 1997; Edmonton, 2001), is persistent arthritis that begins before the age of 16 years and with a duration of 6 weeks without being able to determine a definite ...
  • Sinchin, Tatiana; Ţaulean, Cristina; Serbenco, A. (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Introduction: Puerperal endometritis is the most common form of postpartum infections, being the third cause of maternal death in the world. The article is the retrospective evaluation study conducted on data from clinical ...
  • Marian-Pavlenco, Angela; Ostrofeţ, Andrei (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Materials and methods: We conducted a retrospective study on 186 patients in the Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1 and “The Center of Mother and Child”. The study includes the gynecopates, which were divided into two groups ...
  • Dondiuc, Iurii; Darii, Dorina; Cazacu, Zoreana (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Background: The article includes the presentation and analysis of births` statistics in the hospitals of the Republic of Moldova for the period 2005--2014, with the aim to evaluate the achieved results, identify the trends ...
  • Uşurelu, Natalia (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are a phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders caused by a defect in a metabolic pathway, leading to malfunctioning metabolism and/or the accumulation of toxic ...
  • Gudumac, Eva; Mişina, Ana; Madan, Diana (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Background: Epithelial ovarian tumors (EOT) account for less than 20% of pediatric ovarian masses. The histological subtypes of EOT in children include only serous and mucinous tumors. The aim of the study was to evaluate ...
  • Dondiuc, Iurii; Tabuica, Uliana; Cardaniuc, Corina; Uşanlî, Alina (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Introduction: The rate of maternal mortality is an important index for the country’s economic development and also for the quality and effectiveness of gynecologic medical aid. The fact that the rate of maternal mortality ...
  • Siniţîna, Lilia; David, V.; Petrovici, V.; Samciuc, Şt.; Boian, V.; Boian, G. (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Background. There are numerous clinical cases that demonstrate chronic cholestasis and megacolon, when intestinal nerve plexus is present, having however defective anatomical and structural histopathological peculiarities. ...
  • Sprincean, Mariana; Barbova, Natalia; Uşurelu, Natalia; Halabudenco, Elena; Eţco, Ludmila; Secrieru, Viorica; Nour, Veronica; Sacara, Victoria; Stratila, M. (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Background: The role of genetic counseling in the prevention system of genetic diseases is emphasized in the study. The main prophylaxis measures and prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis methods applied to pregnant women of ...
  • Savoschin, Dorina (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    Background. Bronchial obstruction is one of the most frequent clinical manifestations in childhood. However, in children under 5 years of age are rather difficult to establish the etiology and treatment for this ...
  • Sacară, Victoria; Leviţchi, A.; Groppa, St. (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    The first group of specialists in molecular genetics included two assistant researchers. It was created in the frame of the department for hereditary pathologies of the Scientific Research Institute of Mother and Child ...
  • Boian, G.; Pisarenco, Aliona; Boian, V.; Litovcenco, A. (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    The study clinical and paraclinical evaluation multimodal results of 1306 newborns with major CM assisted in our institution during of a period of time 2006-2015 highlights the possibilities and limits in the diagnosis ...
  • Curteanu, Ala; Carauş, Tatiana (Instituţia Medico-Sanitară Publică Institutul Mamei și Copilului, 2016)
    The purpose of the study was to determine the incidence, structure, risk factors for MFI developing in premature newborns, bacteriological profile, the efficacy of diagnostic tests and treatment of this nosology, as well ...

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