Introduction. The usual approach when defining the fundamental etiology of obesity is to consider the energy
imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended as the main determinant factor in the pathogenesis of
weight excess [1]. In recent times, considerable scientific efforts have been made, however, to provide nuance regarding
the inner workings of the exact mechanisms that lead to the development of obesity [2]. One direction for research
has revolved around the factors regarding childhood obesity – an illness which is escalating globally [3, 4]. There is
a well-documented relation between developing a weight excess in childhood and adult obesity [5], as a majority of
overweight adults have in fact retained this status since childhood [6]. Preventive action against obesity is dependent
upon the understanding of its determinant factors. These factors represent targets upon which to act in order to attempt
to minimize the impact of this global disease.
Aim of the study. To provide an overview of the current literature regarding the main determinant factors of childhood
obesity and identify potential targets for preventive measures in this respect.
Material and methods. We performed literature searches using the Medline/ PubMed databases and referred to
international guidelines where applicable.
Results and conclusions. The intricate interactions between environment and genotype can reveal a series of crucial
points where decisive preventive actions could have a significant impact on the reduction of the burden of obesity.
Institutul Inimii de Urgență pentru Boli Cardiovasculare „Niculae Stăncioiu” Cluj-Napoca, județul Cluj, România, Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, județul Sibiu, România