Idiom is an expression, word, or phrase whose sense means something different from
what the words literally imply. Learners of the English language have to try to get acquainted as
much as possible with English idioms since they represent the genuine language.
Learning idioms can get learners involved into the real world. Idioms are a part of the socalled
“natural language”. They give to language a natural, colorful manner. Students have to
learn idioms if they want to speak fluently and improve their communicative skills.
For these reasons, learning idiomatic expressions is a very necessary and important part
of the language learning process. A lot of daily speech is based on idioms; in this way, the
learners will become more fluent in English and will be able to communicate better, because
many idioms are words and expressions used all over the English speaking world.
Expresiile frazeologice sînt o sursă de îmbogăţire a diapazonului atît lingvistic cît şi
cultural, întrucît la baza formării fiecărei expresii frazeologice stau situaţii socio-culturale
concrete. Din punct de vedere semantic şi funcţional frazeologismele sînt nişte echivalente ale
cuvintelor şi pot fi considerate unităţi lexicale complexe ale limbii. Însă spre deosebire de
lexeme, ele comportă o încărcătură semantică mai pronunţată. Cunoaşterea cu frazeologismele
unei limbi permite o mai bună înţelegere a limbii date. Utilizarea la orele de limba engleză a
expresiilor frazeologice somatice va contribui atît la diversificarea procesului instructiv-educativ
cît şi la însuşirea mai solidă a limbii.