Introduction. Coronary dental diseases are some of the most common pathologies of the stomatognathic
system, and the methods of treatment by coating with crowns are the most effective methods of morphofunctional
restoration (D. Bratu, R. Vissbaun, 2003). The application of artificial crowns in the vast majority
of cases necessarily requires the preparation of hard coronary tissues, especially when applying
contemporary technologies for the construction of metal-ceramic, all-ceramic, zirconium oxide
Aim of study. Determination of indications and clinical-technological features for making zirconium oxide
crowns coated partially with ceramic by the stratification method.
Methods and materials. 8 patients between 23-55 years old were examined clinically and paraclinical with
coronary dental lesions of the teeth situated in the frontal sector of the dental arches at both jaws previously
treated. Were selected patients with orthognathic occlusion with minimal, medium, deep, and end-to-end
coverage. Patients were examined clinically-instrumentally, radiologically and the models were studied
visually and in the articulator. The assessment of the boundaries of the preparation areas was determined
visually, and in the parallelograph, depending on the thickness of the hard tissues and the degree of incisal
coverage. The position of the teeth on the arch, the static and dynamic occlusal reports were the main
arguments that contributed to the miniinvasive preparation of the hard tissues of the teeth subjected to
prosthetic treatment. The crown carcasses were made of zirconium oxide by milling, and the ceramics were
deposited by the layering method.
Results. The study performed through the clinical and paraclinical examination of the selected patients
offered us the possibility to prepare the crowns of the treated teeth, by covering them with mini-invasive
zirconium crowns partially covered with ceramics vestibular or vestibulo-occlusal. The process of
minimally invasive preparation of vital and devitalized teeth is argued by a minimum sacrifice of dental
hard substance with biological, physico-chemical, mechanical protection and ensuring the aesthetic
Conclusion. The determination of indications for making zirconium oxide crowns partially coated with
ceramic by stratification depends on the variety of occlusion, the thickness of the hard tissues, their size
(volume and height) and their fragility, and not least the technological possibilities and wishes of the patient.