Introduction. Left bundle branch block (LBBB) frequently serves as an indicator of underlying heart
disease, prompting further diagnostic procedures. According to the Framingham study, the prevalence of
coronary artery disease (CAD) in LBBB patients equals 45%. The association of LBBB and CAD is
considered to be a poor prognostic factor, leading to a 3- to 4-fold increase in cumulative cardiovascular
Aim of the study. This study aims to assess the association of LBBB and CAD in patients undergoing
coronary angiography and to bring out the differences between men and women with LBBB and CAD.
Methods and materials. The retrospective cross-sectional study was based on 105 case histories and 32
coronary angiography reports of patients admitted between 2019-2021 with complete LBBB in the
Department of Cardiology, of the Sfânta Treime Municipal Hospital.
Results. Out of 105 patients with LBBB, 32 underwent coronary angiography. Among them, 18 patients
were male (56.25%) and 14 – female (43.75%). The angiographic study revealed that most of the patients
had triple vessel disease - 40,62%; most of them were male – 21.87%. Double vessel disease was found in
18.75% of patients, with an equal distribution between men and women – 9.37%. Single vessel disease was
determined in 28.12% of cases. Out of them, 18.75% were men, double the number of women - 9.37%.
Only 12.5% of the patients had normal vessels, half of them were male.
Conclusion. Coronary angiography findings reveal that there is a strong association between LBBB and
CAD, as most of the investigated patients have various degrees of angiographic abnormalities. Male
patients with LBBB have proven to be more likely to develop severe CAD, as their angiographic reports
reveal poorer results compared to those of women.