Introduction. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is defined by the presence of increased left ventricular
(LV) wall thickness that isn't solely explained by abnormal loading conditions. Most previous studies
include the LV for definition of HCM, neglecting the right ventricle (RV), but recently the RV involvement
in HCM was reported. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is useful in characterizing the phenotypes of
RV and LV in HCM. RV involvement is associated with increased risk of arrhythmias, dyspnea, pulmonary
thromboembolism, heart failure and sudden death.
Case presentation. The 32y.o. man was admitted at Institute of Cardiology in December, 2021 with
complaints: intermittent chest pain on physical endeavor, low tolerance to exertion. Family history revealed
the father`s death in middle age of unknown cause. In childhood was suspected of rheumatic fever followed
by tonsillectomy at the age 18y.o. without improvement of symptoms due to which wasn’t admitted to
compulsory military service. In March 2020 suffered an episode of fainting. ECG performed at that time
showed sinus rhythm with repolarization abnormalities, manifested by T-wave inversion in precordial
leads. Patient was referred to the emergency department with suspicion of acute coronary syndrome.
Subsequently diagnosis was not confirmed either clinically or laboratory. Physical examination at
admission revealed regular rhythm without extracardiac sounds, HR-75b/min, BP-110/75mmHg,SpO2-
98%. On ECG deep negative T wave in V1-V4. NT-proBNP-253ng/ml, ESR-14mm/h. EcoCG: normalsized heart chambers, normal systolic function (EF 62%), IVS medio-apical thickness-20mm, apical
segment of RV-17mm, obstructed outflow tract of RV. Holter ECG: pronounce respiratory arrhythmia,
negative T wave in V1-V5. CMR: Accentuated LV trabeculae type `non-compact spectrum`. Fibrotic
intramural lesion in hypertrophic LV, late gadolinium enhancement. Hypertrophic RV myocardium. Two
septal interventricular defects. Non-obstructive HCM, asymmetric form. Regardless of the patient’s
complaints and instrumental findings the diagnosis of Non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was
confirmed. The treatment with b-blockers was initiated.
Discussion. This case represents clinical interest because of detection of RV myocardial hypertrophy, less
described in the literature. It's certain that the patient suffers from a genetically determined cardiomyopathy,
however a more accurate diagnosis requires a comprehensive genetic evaluation, including storage disease
which have similar features. Unfortunately, HCM is delayed diagnosis as in the patient's case. Thus making
a differential diagnosis for chest pain and syncope in the young population is an important heart assessment
by CMR. This patient is supervised by a cardiologist and will continue treatment with b-blockers. The
thromboembolic risk assessment and the decision of anticoagulants are required.
Conclusion. The case emphasized that assessment of young patients with chest pain and fainting is
multidimensional and can hide life-threatening conditions.