Introduction: Streptococcal infection is currently a major cause of morbidity and mortality amongst the
world. This calls for a comprehensive study of the underlying factors predisposing to streptococcal infection
as well as early diagnosis, as studies show that most cases of bacterial endocarditis are diagnosed after the
onset of infection.
Background: In this study our aim was to explore the matter of Description of the microorganism-host
interaction process with emphasis on the main compounds involved in its occurrence. This study provides
knowledge of the distribution of various groups and species of streptococci that cause infectious
endocarditis (IE). With better classification of streptococci causing IE, future studies could examine
differences in complications and outcomes associated with different streptococci.
Methods and materials. The present work studied 46 materials and literature sources from the Medscape,
PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases in terms of clinical manifestations, symptoms and
syndromes of the role of streptococci in developing bacterial endocarditis (2010-2022). Most of the used
literature sources refer to the last years of publication (2016-2022).
Results. According to obtained outcomes the ethiological distribution of streptococcus endocarditis are
following: viridans group streptococci accounted for 76% of all streptococcal IE, pyogenic streptococci
were the causative pathogens in 17% of streptococcal IE, other streptococci were the causative pathogen in
6% of streptococcal IE.
Conclusion. According to this study there was determined that streptococci especially those from the
viridans group are the most common in the infectious endocarditis.