Introduction. Abruption of normally inserted placenta (ANIP) is an obstetric emergency and one of the most serious
complications of pregnancy, with an incidence of 0.5-1.5% worldwide. ANIP has a negative impact on the condition
of the mother and fetus with a high level of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Risk factors that can cause
ANIP are: hypertension, trauma, IVF pregnancy, polyhydramnios, thrombophilia, etc. Common maternal
complications are: posthemorrhagic anemia, hemorrhagic shock, CID syndrome, polyorganic insufficiency and
hysterectomy. Fetal complications can be: severe hypoxia, prematurity and death. These complications depend on
the severity and degree of detachment of the placenta. ANIP management requires prompt action by a team of
professionals at a high level of perinatal care.
Case presentation. The 37 y.o. pregnant woman, 17-18 weeks pregnant, was hospitalized in the Department of
Pregnancy Pathology and Obstetric Emergencies in August 2021, with the accusations: pain in the lower abdomen,
bloody elimination from the genital tract.
Discussion. The patient is registered from 10 w.p., previously hospitalized twice: 13-14 w.p. and 16-17 w.p. with the
diagnosis of imminent abortion. From the anamnestic data, the patient had 4 pregnancies, 1 birth (cesarean section)
and 2 miscarriages, is known as syringomyomy cyst with inferior paraparesis, hereditary thrombophilia, autoimmune
thyroiditis. On physical examination: eccentric cervix, shortened 2.0 cm/, moderate bloody vaginal discharge. At the
para-clinical examination: genetic tests confirmed hereditary thrombophilia, USG denotes pregnancy 18-19 w.p.
imminent late abortion, retroamnational hematoma excluded, cervical length 27 mm, opening 4 mm. After a day, a
repeated USG was performed and was found that: Monofetal pregnancy in evolution, imminent late abortion. Cervix
length 27 mm, i/o5 mm, in the region i/o of the cervix retrocorial hematoma 17x10x8 mm. On the 3rd day bloody
eliminations reappear, Ps 74 bpm, BP 110/70 mmHg, total hemorrhage 70 ml, at USG a massive retroamnational
hematoma is identified d = 100x91x94mm, volume of 448 ml, the placenta located on the anterior wall to the bottom
and the left lateral wall. An enlarged consilium decided to terminate the pregnancy urgently by small caesarean
section. Postoperative hemorrhage amounted to 2600 ml, ineffective hemostasis measures let to performing a
relaparotomy with total hysterectomy without bilateral appendages, intraoperatively was detected uterine hypotonia.
The total hemorrhage was 3600 ml. The patient was in intensive care for postoperative recovery for 3 days, then
transferred to the aseptic gynecology department, on the 8th day the patient was discharged at home. The actions
taken were performed according to the clinical situation and the clinical protocol in ANIP. An important factor that
contributed to the irreversibility of the massive hematoma was confirmed hereditary thrombophilia. The final
decision of relaparotomy with total hysterectomy without bilateral appendages led to the rescue and stabilization of
the patient's condition.
Conclusion. The patient's pregnancy progressed to a morbid background of hereditary thrombophilia, autoimmune
thyroiditis, retroplacental hematoma that aggravated the evolution of the current pregnancy. Pathological insertion
of the placenta (placenta increta), confirmed pathomorphological, led to the appearance of hypotonic hemorrhage
after cesarean section, requiring total hysterectomy. The preconception of hereditary thrombophilia and the
administration of specific treatment would have prevented the development of ANIP.