Introduction. Pulp inflammation caused by local and general pathogens is one of the most common
emergencies in dentistry, which, if not diagnosed correctly and not treated in time, leads to an increased
risk of developing periodontal complications. The dental pulp is a connective tissue that has the ability to
protect itself from various pathogens. In pulp diseases, treatment is performed in several visits, devitalized
pulp extirpation being a surgical method of treatment that removes the entire dental pulp (coronal and
radicular) by desensitizing it by chemical means.
Aim of study. To study the particularities of use and action of the paraformaldehyde-containing paste Devit
C on the dental pulp.
Methods and materials. The stages of clinical and paraclinical examination of the patients were applied
in devitalized pulp extirpation in several visits, using the following materials: slow-acting
paraformaldehyde-containing paste, artificial dentin, root canal filling materials.
Results. The study revealed the benefits of using devitalizing paste Devit C in the treatment of pulp
diseases. An algorithm has been developed for the diagnosis and treatment of the patients treated by the
above-mentioned method.
Conclusion. The clinical study highlighted the positive and beneficial impact of the devitalizing dressing.
The use of the paraformaldehyde-containing paste Devit C in devitalized pulp extirpation in several visits
offers comfort both to the doctor and the patient.