Introduction. Liver Cirrhosis is a chronic disease that is irreversible and characterized by necrosis of liver
parenchyma further leading to fibrosis. It is a broad hepatic disease marked by fibrosis and the
transformation of normal liver architecture into structurally aberrant nodules, according to histology.
Cirrhosis can develop over a period of weeks to years after a liver injury. Cirrhosis affects some persons
who are fully asymptomatic and have a normal life expectancy. Others have all kinds of the most severe
symptoms of end- stage liver disease, as well as a poor chance of surviving. Hepatic fibrosis has already
advanced to the stage where the hepatic vasculature is distorted, resulting in vascular distortion that will
cause the portal and arterial blood supply to shunt directly into the hepatic outflow via central veins. While
the alcoholic liver disease was once thought to be the leading cause of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis in the
US, hepatitis C is now the leading cause of cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis in the country. Non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease (NAFLD) appears to be the cause of many occurrences of cryptogenic cirrhosis. Many
patients with cryptogenic cirrhosis have one or more of the conventional risk factors for NAFLD, such as
obesity, diabetes, and hypertriglyceridemia. In advanced liver cirrhosis, imaging findings include atrophy
of the posterior segments (6 and 7) of the right lobe, as well as hypertrophy of the lateral segments of the
left lobe (segments 2 and 3) and caudate lobe. Changes in the blood flow between the segments are most
likely to be responsible for these changes.
Aim of study. Cirrhosis of the liver is the final step of a complicated process that begins with hepatocyte
injury and ends with partial regeneration and fibrosis of the liver. Cirrhosis stage 1 is distinguished by liver
scarring but few symptoms. Compensated cirrhosis in this stage is characterized by the absence of
complications. Cirrhosis stage 2 is associated with worsening portal hypertension and the appearance of
varices. Cirrhosis stage 3 is described by abdominal swelling and advanced liver scarring. Decompensated
cirrhosis, with serious complications and the possibility of liver failure, is diagnosed at this stage. Cirrhosis
at stage 4 can be fatal, and some people develop the end-stage liver disease (ESLD), which could potentially
cause death without liver transplantation. Basic imaging diagnosis of liver cirrhosis has improved over the
last few decades, allowing for early detection of morphological abnormalities in the liver using
ultrasonography (USG). The liver has a large area of contact with the abdominal wall.
Methods and materials. In this article, previous articles were studied and analyzed from PubMed, Google
Scholar, and NCBI sites.
Results. Sonography is a safe, non-invasive, fast, and relatively low-cost method of testing the liver that
can be done at the patient's bedside with minimum assistance. Ultrasound of the liver is frequently used to
determine the size of the organ. Changes seen in Liver on USG include surface nodularity: (88% sensitive,
82-95% specific), overall coarse and heterogeneous echotexture, segmental hypertrophy/atrophy, caudate
width: right lobe width more than 0.65 mm (43-84% sensitive, 100% specific), reduction of the transverse
diameter (less than 30 mm) of the medial segment of the left lobe (segment 4).
Conclusion. The study shows the importance of Ultrasonography in Liver Cirrhosis and its stages.