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(IRMS – Nicolae Testemițanu SUMPh)

Influenţa unor compuşi biologic activi noi asupra principalilor indici ai metabolismului glucidic în hepatopatia experimentală

Show simple item record Sardari, Veronica Tagadiuc, Olga Ştîrba, Olga Andronache, Lilia Gudumac, Valentin 2019-06-24T19:49:15Z 2019-06-24T19:49:15Z 2013
dc.identifier.citation SARDARI, Veronica, TAGADIUC, Olga et al. Influenţa unor compuşi biologic activi noi asupra principalilor indici ai metabolismului glucidic în hepatopatia experimentală. In: Anale ştiinţifice ale IP USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Ed. a 9-a. Chişinau: СEP Medicina, 2013, vol. 1: Probleme medico-biologice şi farmaceutice, pp. 124-130. en_US
dc.description Laboratorul ştiinţific Biochimie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” en_US
dc.description.abstract The experimental toxic hepatopathy (HP) was modeled by long term administration of CCl4. It was established that CCl4 caused pronounced disorders of carbohydrate metabolism manifested by the increased level of the metabolites – lactate, pyruvate and malate, and changes in tissue enzyme activity – the increased activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and the reduction of the functionality of the main dehydrogenases of the Krebs cycle – NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase (NADP-MDH), NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDHNADP) and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). The administration of local biologically active compounds (BAC) – CMD-8, CMJ-23 and CMJ-33, of Spirulina Platensis sulphatated polysaccharides (SSP) and of the remedy BioR Fe-Se in the toxic HP exerted important influences both on the evolution of metabolites content changes and on the activity of the investigated enzymes. The tested BAC succeeded to reduce the intensity of the toxic effects of CCl4 on hepatocytes by inducing a tendency of normalization and even by restoring to normal levels of the carbohydrate metabolites content, as well as of the functionality of studied cellular enzymes. Pe animale de laborator s-a modelat hepatopatia (HP) toxică prin administrarea de durată a CCl4. S-a stabilit că CCl4 a provocat tulburări pronunţate ale metabolismulu glucidic care s-au manifestat prin creşterea nivelului de metaboliţi – lactat, piruvat şi malat şi modificări ale activităţii enzimelor tisulare – creşterea activităţii lactatdehidrogenazei (LDH) şi reducerea funcţionalităţii principalelor dehidrogenaze ale ciclului Krebs – malatdehidrogenazei NADPdependente (MDH-NADPd), izocitrat dehidrogenazei NADP-dependente (ICDH-NADPd) şi succinatdehidrogenazei (SDH). Administrarea compuşilor biologic activi (CBA) autohtoni – CMD-8, CMJ-23 şi CMJ-33, polizaharidelor sulfatate din spirulină şi a remediului BioR Fe-Se în HP toxică a exercitat influenţe importante atât asupra modificărilor conţinutului de metaboliţi, cât şi a dinamicului de activitate a enzimelor investigate. CBA luaţi în studiu au reuşit să reducă intensitatea efectelor toxice ale CCl4 asupra hepatocitelor prin tendinţa de normalizare şi chiar readucerea la valori normale a nivelului de metaboliţi glucidici, precum şi a funcţionalităţii enzimelor celulare studiate. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher CEP "Medicina" en_US
dc.subject CCl4 en_US
dc.subject BioR Fe-Se en_US
dc.subject.mesh Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury en_US
dc.subject.mesh Spirulina en_US
dc.subject.mesh Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning - metabolism en_US
dc.subject.mesh Carbohydrate Metabolism en_US
dc.title Influenţa unor compuşi biologic activi noi asupra principalilor indici ai metabolismului glucidic în hepatopatia experimentală en_US
dc.title.alternative Influence of some new biologically active compounds on the main indicators of carbohydrate metabolism in experimental hepatopathy en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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