Anale științifice USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, 2012, Ediția a XIII-a: Recent submissions

  • Cardaniuc, Corina; Tocarciuc, Ina; Surguci, Mihail; Todiraș, Mihail (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation, is the most common gynecological disorder among teenage girls and young women, beeng the main cause of school absenteeism. Changes in uterine blood flow and endothelial dysfunction ...
  • Savin, Tatiana; Bursacovschi, Natalia; Ciobanu, Victor (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    To evaluate management of breech delivery. Study design: The article presents the results of an retrospective study based on the analysis of 202 obstetric records from all breech pregnancies delivered in the 1-st and ...
  • Cotelea, Iulia; Surguci, Mihail; Cardaniuc, Corina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Cervical ectopic pregnancy is a serious pathology that presents a real threat to the health and life of women. The diagnosis of cervical pregnancy is difficult and the treatment depends on the amount of bleeding, gestational ...
  • Tăutu, Ludmila (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    There is no probably such an obstetrical situation like multiple pregnancy for which the premature tratament would be so vital, actual and contraversal. In the speciality literature there are no dates referring to the ...
  • Codreanu, Nadejda; Gangur, Doina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer among women all over the world. The primary underlying cause of cervical cancer is persistent infection with human papillomavirus. Cervarix is a vaccine designed to ...
  • Dobrioglo, Iulia; Pavlov, Elena; Ciobanu, Victor (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The uterine myoma occurs in 30-35% of cases among all gynecological diseases and during pregnancy in 0.5 -6.0% of cases. The combination of uterine myoma and pregnancy is a difficult problem. On the one hand, pregnancy ...
  • Calaraş, Maxim (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    There is a wide spectrum of tubal diseases ranging from peritubal adhesions, damaged fimbria or distorted fallopian tubes to tubal occlusion or hydrosalpinx. Tubal-peritoneal pathology is the result of pelvic infection, ...
  • Mihalcean, Luminita (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    This review will briefly summarize the current knowledge on pregnancy stopped in evolution until 22 weeks at women with this pathology and value the medical and social factors which can lead to stop in evolution the ...
  • Friptu, Valentin; Mecineanu, Elena; Rotaru, Olesea; Andrușca, Diana (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The postpartum period (typically the first six weeks after delivery) may underscore physical and emotional health issues in new mothers. Common medical complications during this period include persistent postpartum ...
  • Uşanlî, Alina; Corolcova, Natalia; Raeţcaia, Victoria (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Among the problems of modern obstetrics, miscarriage is placed on one of the leading places. This is due to the fact that premature births are a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Premature infants are an ...
  • Cirimpei, Vasile; Cirimpei, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Sergiu; Ciobanu, Ana; Munteanu, Dumitru (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Odontal coronal lesions which need a prosthetic treatment are still actual, and until a further sure methods of caries treatment are not found they will still be present. From the total number of teeth with these lesions, ...
  • Iurie, Marina; Crivco, Ecaterina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    In this article we find a description of ergonomic's principles. The desription of the science, which studies human's functional possibilities in the labor process, pursuing the aim of creation of the most optimal working ...
  • Nicolau, Gheorghe; Bodrug, Valentina; Danici, Alexandru; Roman, Ion (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Analysis of endodontic treatment results of 13 patients (13 teeth analyzed, 10 of them beeing pluriradicular, 3 monoradicular) performed by practicing dentists have shown errors in treatment followed by different local ...
  • Samson, Stella; Burlacu, Valeriu; Pălărie, Victor; Zota, Ieremia; Nacu, Viorel (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Tooth loss compromises human oral health. Although several prosthetic methods, such as artificial denture and dental implants, are clinical therapies to tooth loss problems, they are thought to have safety and usage time ...
  • Eni, Ana; Vlas, Haralambie; Vlas, Ştefan; Vlas, Elena (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Prosthetic stomatitis (PS) occurrs as a result of using mobile prosthesis and creates quite pronounced and prolonged suffering to their carriers. The occurrence of oral mucosal changes can serve as traumatic and ...
  • Scutelnic, Vladimir; Hîţu, Dumitru; Cebotari, Mihail (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Clinical picture of acute odontogenic periostitis of the jaws can be various and it depends on: etiological factor, pathogenesis of the infectious process, its location and spread, age and concurrent diseases, and other ...
  • Barbuţ, Mihail (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The generalized aggresive parodontitis affects a small part of the patients, but it is rather significant because it is characterized by severe impairment of the supporting device of the teeth in a certain number of ...
  • Postolachi, Alexandru; Postolachi, Ilarion (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Eight patients with dental arch edentations gr. III-IV Kennedy, missing 1 tooth, have been throughtly examined. The method of manufacturing a non-metal adhesive dental bridge has been improved. Key-words: tooth, adhesive ...
  • Turanscaia, Irina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    During the period of time 01.06.2011-01.02.2012 in the department of maxillo-facial surgery were examined and treated 1143 patients. 58 patients were diagnosed with odontogenic cysts, which represent aproximately 5,07% ...
  • Iurie, Marina; Corcimari, Evelina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Nowadays all operating lamps of the work area illumination are about 21.000 lux intensity. But this level of strong light does not play a positive role in case if general lighting is incorrectly coordinated. A powerful ...

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