Stomatologie: Recent submissions

  • Cirimpei, Vasile; Cirimpei, Tatiana; Ciobanu, Sergiu; Ciobanu, Ana; Munteanu, Dumitru (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Odontal coronal lesions which need a prosthetic treatment are still actual, and until a further sure methods of caries treatment are not found they will still be present. From the total number of teeth with these lesions, ...
  • Iurie, Marina; Crivco, Ecaterina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    In this article we find a description of ergonomic's principles. The desription of the science, which studies human's functional possibilities in the labor process, pursuing the aim of creation of the most optimal working ...
  • Nicolau, Gheorghe; Bodrug, Valentina; Danici, Alexandru; Roman, Ion (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Analysis of endodontic treatment results of 13 patients (13 teeth analyzed, 10 of them beeing pluriradicular, 3 monoradicular) performed by practicing dentists have shown errors in treatment followed by different local ...
  • Samson, Stella; Burlacu, Valeriu; Pălărie, Victor; Zota, Ieremia; Nacu, Viorel (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Tooth loss compromises human oral health. Although several prosthetic methods, such as artificial denture and dental implants, are clinical therapies to tooth loss problems, they are thought to have safety and usage time ...
  • Eni, Ana; Vlas, Haralambie; Vlas, Ştefan; Vlas, Elena (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Prosthetic stomatitis (PS) occurrs as a result of using mobile prosthesis and creates quite pronounced and prolonged suffering to their carriers. The occurrence of oral mucosal changes can serve as traumatic and ...
  • Scutelnic, Vladimir; Hîţu, Dumitru; Cebotari, Mihail (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Clinical picture of acute odontogenic periostitis of the jaws can be various and it depends on: etiological factor, pathogenesis of the infectious process, its location and spread, age and concurrent diseases, and other ...
  • Barbuţ, Mihail (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The generalized aggresive parodontitis affects a small part of the patients, but it is rather significant because it is characterized by severe impairment of the supporting device of the teeth in a certain number of ...
  • Postolachi, Alexandru; Postolachi, Ilarion (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Eight patients with dental arch edentations gr. III-IV Kennedy, missing 1 tooth, have been throughtly examined. The method of manufacturing a non-metal adhesive dental bridge has been improved. Key-words: tooth, adhesive ...
  • Turanscaia, Irina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    During the period of time 01.06.2011-01.02.2012 in the department of maxillo-facial surgery were examined and treated 1143 patients. 58 patients were diagnosed with odontogenic cysts, which represent aproximately 5,07% ...
  • Iurie, Marina; Corcimari, Evelina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Nowadays all operating lamps of the work area illumination are about 21.000 lux intensity. But this level of strong light does not play a positive role in case if general lighting is incorrectly coordinated. A powerful ...
  • Burlacu, Valeriu; Cartaleanu, Angela; Ojovan, Ala; Eni, Ana; Cuşnir, Anatol; Burlacu, Victor; Costru, Tudor; Fală, Valeriu; Zagnat, Vasile; Cucoş, Lilea (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The present work describes the results of the biological BioR clinical testing, a drug used by injecting in the treatment of 152 patients with marginal periodontitis. Sunt prezentate rezultatele moderne de tratament ...
  • Rusu, Natalia; Rozenblat, Ghenadii (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    The study of inflammatory processes in the maxillofacial region such as abscesses and phlegmon is an important aspect in understanding the etiology and treatment principles. Despite the huge jump in medicine of the 21st ...
  • Balan, Oxana (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    In a comparative in vitro study was determined the bacteriostatic effect of three antimicrobial solutions used in endodontic treatment: calcium hydroxide, calcium copper hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite 3%. Mueller ...
  • Spinei, Aurelia; Bălteanu, Olga; Şevcenco, Nina (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    This paper seeks to assess the peculiarities of education of correct tooth brushing technique in children with mental retardation. This study includs 248 children institutionalized in auxiliary schools. The control group ...
  • Juratu, Lilia (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    It is demonstrated that there are two phases in the etiology of various types of root resorption: defense tissue injury (mechanical or chemical) and irritation due to infection or compression. Local factors that can ...
  • Marin, Ion; Cumpănă (Osipov), Maria (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
  • Cuşnir, Dumitru; Şcerbatiuc, Dumitru; Hîţu, Dumitru; Vlas, Vasile (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Posttraumatic complications in the surgery-maxillo-facial surgery of the Ştiiţifico-National Centre for Emergency Medicine Practice during the year 2003 amounted to 3,63% of the total number of patients in the hospital ...
  • Balan, Eugenia; Rusu, Natalia; Agapii, Larisa (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Pro-prosthetic surgery is a necessity, in physiognomic and functional appeara- nce,so he is in performing plastic surgery of bone modeling that allows the creation ofoptimal conditions for prosthetic restoration. For ...
  • Sîrbu, Dumitru; Glinschi, Taisia; Nagnibeda, Mihaela; Mighic, Alexandr (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    Third molar: attitude and conduct Pathology of the third molar is a current topic of stomatology because it causes frequent complications and contradictions regarding the treatment conduct. The study material consisted of ...
  • Popovici, Sergiu; Pancenco, Anatolie; Hîţu, Dumitru; Vlas, Vasile; Bicer, Constantin; Streliţova, Tatiana (CEP "Medicina", 2012)
    65 patients (0,41%) received treatment during the period of 2009-2011 at the Municipal Stomatological Center being given medical certificates 48,43% of the patients were of 20-30 years, the majority of them 81,53% were ...

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