The study included 265 patients who had been evaluated the pathogenic spectrum of
different clinical forms of chronic pancreatitis (CP) and 25 patients with CP and a family history
of CP . The results proved CP to be a disease of diverse ethiology, one being the alcohol
consumption. In CP patients with a family history when the onset occurs at a young age, the
recurrent form with dolor syndrome prevails, this developing into exo- and/or endocrine
insufficiency. A deeper assessment of pathogenic spectrum of CP, including the genetic factors,
would allow the prevention, early diagnosis, proper treatment and reduction of CP risks
Studiul a inclus 265 pacienţi, diagnosticaţi cu diferite forme clinice de pancreatită cronică
(PC) şi 25 pacienţi cu PC cu anamneză familială. Rezultatele obţinute au demonstrat că PC este o
maladie polietiologică, rolul principal revenindu-i consumului de alcool. La pacienţii cu PC cu
anamneză familială debutul are loc la o vărstă tănără, predomină forma recidivantă cu sindrom
dolor, cu progresarea spre insuficienţă exo- şi/sau endocrină. Evaluarea mai profundă a
spectrului etiopatogenic al PC ar permite prevenirea, diagnosticarea precoce, elaborarea unui
tratament corect şi reducerea riscurilor acestei patologii.