Gastroenterologie, hepatologie


Recent Submissions

  • Chirvas, Elena (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Occult HBV infection is a clinical entity characterised by the detection or the absence of HBV-DNA in serum and/or the detection of HBV-DNA in liver without appreciation of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) [21]. Occult ...
  • Berliba, Elina; Dumbrava, Vlada; Proca, Nicolae; Popescul, Ana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Autoimmune hepatitis is now accepted as a chronic disease of unknown cause, characterized by the presence of interface hepatitis and portal plasma cell infiltration on histologic examination, hypergammaglobulinemia, and ...
  • Corlăteanu, Olga; Tcaciuc, Eugen; Medveţchi-Munteanu, Diana; Matcovschi, Serghei (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Major vascular pulmonary complications of chronic liver diseases are hepatopulmonary syndrome and portopulmonary hypertension. We determined with echocardiography hemodynamic pulmonary parameters and evaluated relation ...
  • David, Ludmila; Ghicavîi, Victor; Butorov, Ivan; Butorov, Serghei; Necula, Gheorghe (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The 50 patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis were studied for the efficiency and the safety of the hepatoprotetor Heptral. This study revealed that the treatment with the hepatoprotector Heptral, included in the ...
  • Medveţchi-Munteanu, Diana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Chronic hepatic affection is a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the world and in special in Republic of Moldova. Always in patients with liver cirrhosis is detect respiratory deviation. We determinate by spirometry ...
  • Peltec, Angela; Dumbrava, Vlada; Bodrug, Roman; Tanase, Raisa; Bârca, Silvia; Ţurcan, Svetlana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Background: Standard proton-pump inhibitor– based therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection fails in up to one quarter of patients. Sequential therapy may be more efficacious. Purpose: To compare sequential therapy with ...
  • Ghelmici, Tatiana; Lupaşco, Iulianna; Guzovatîi, Zinaida (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Chronical reitar hepatitis type C (CHC) is an important cause of liver cirrhosis in Republic of Moldova and in the world. Extrahepatitic manifestation of (CHC) – kidney, thyroids gland, skin cardiovascular are the ...
  • Spînu, Constantin; Bîrca, Ludmila; Pântea, Victor; Spînu, Igor; Burlacu, Ala; Ghidirim, Victoria; Bondarenco, Victoria; Guriev, Vladimir (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Study results show an increasing incidence of herpes viruses markers (HSV-1, HSV-2 and CMV) in pregnant women, children, infants, toddlers and preschool and school children. High risk of contracting herpes infection among ...
  • Tofan-Scutaru, Liudmila; Fiodorov, Ana; Ghelimici, Tatiana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The goal of this work was the study of etiopathogenic aspects and the diagnosis of the disease in the patients with erosive duodenitis in combination with chronic hepatitis of different etiology and of different degree ...
  • Cobîltean, Lucia; Dumbrava, Vlada-Tatiana; Proca, Nicolae (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The liver has an important role in the coagulation process, so it is not surprising that all coagulation factors are produced in the liver. We have studied 116 patients with liver cirrhosis with different aetiology of ...
  • Bugai, Rodica; Ţîbîrnă, Ion (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The study included 265 patients who had been evaluated the pathogenic spectrum of different clinical forms of chronic pancreatitis (CP) and 25 patients with CP and a family history of CP . The results proved CP to be a ...
  • Bîrca, Ludmila (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    In the work are submitted an overview about a variety of relevant studies regarding congenital Cytomegalovirus infection as well as screening strategies and preventive approaches; criterions on congenital infection of ...
  • Ţurcan, Svetlana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The article presents an analysis of literature data compared to our own data in the field of immunology of inflammatory bowel disease. Role of immunological disorders and immunological markers (including autoantibodies ...
  • Bodrug, Nicolae; Barba, Doina; Calancea, Valentin; Coşciug, Irina; Antonova, Natalia; Nichita, Svetlana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The problem requires further studies of liver fibrosis due to multilateral and difficult diagnosis and requires the implementation of new techniques in invasive and noninvasive early diagnosis of liver diseases. More ...
  • Butorov, Ivan; Podgurschi, Lilia; Butorov, Serghei; Remiş, Vladimir; Necula, Gheorghe; Durnea, Alexandru (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The study included 60 patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis associated with acalculous cholecystitis. By a simple randomization selection method all patients were distributed into two groups depending on the type ...
  • Romanciuc, Ina; Ţurcan, Svetlana; Dumbrava, Vlada-Tatiana; Lupașco, Iulianna; Rotaru, Anatol; Rotaru, Dorin (СEP Medicina, 2011)
    Experimental studies have shown that millimeter electromagnetic waves cause biological effects in living organisms at the level of organs and systems, isolated cells and cell structures, and at the level of the organism ...
  • Romanciuc, Ina; Dumbrava, Vlada-Tatiana; Ţurcan, Svetlana; Revenco, Mircea (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Chronic viral hepatitis C is often accompanied by symptoms of depression. Screening of depression in patients with hepatitis C is important because psychiatric complications of interferon therapy may represent a serious ...