Arta Medica 2016: Recent submissions

  • Moroz, Petru; Sandrosean, Argentina; Sandrosean, Iuri; Petrovici, Valeriu; Romanenco, Alexei (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Objective of study. Intraarticular fractures in children are the most complicated fractures, but failures in diagnosis, treatment tactics and technique of these fractures lead to unsatisfactory results, occurrence of ...
  • Litvinov, Serghei; Shavga, Nicolai; Shavga, Nicolae (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Work’s goal: rising of efficiency of children's treatment with innocent osteal lesions of a locomotorium and the acquired nearthrosis. Material and methods. In Clinic of Vertebrology, Orthopedics and Traumotology of the ...
  • Golub, Veniamin; Grin, Florin; Statii, Lev; Sîrbu, Ion (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    BACKGROUND: The objective of the study was to appreciate the combinations of diaphyseal fractures in children, surgical methods of treatment and their results. METHODS: In a Level III trauma center we reviewed 13790 ...
  • Gavriliu, Ștefan; Georgescu, Ileana; Dughilă, Cezara; Hamei, Șerban; Stan, Vasile; Burnei, Gheorghe (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Background: Varus or valgus deviations of the femoral neck in Osteogenesis Imperfecta had been an ignored chapter because classic correction procedures were applied in medical practice with unsatisfying results. Until the ...
  • Vlad, Costel; Georgescu, Ileana; Dragoescu, Monica; Dobre, Laura; Stefan, Denisa; Burnei, Gheorghe (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Introduction: given the recalcitrant behaviour of pseudarthrosis in congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia (CPT) there is no ideal solution to treat such challenging deformities. Reconsideration of already known principles ...
  • Chitan, V.; Curca, A.; Pascova, T.; Rusanovschi, Gr.; Munteanu, D.; Negruta, G. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    The presentation elucidates the topicality, statistics, the tactics of treatment of distal forearm fractures at children. A high frequency of fractures, difficulties in choosing the treatment strategy, issues of recovery ...
  • Burnei, Gheorghe; Stan, Vasile; Georgescu, Ileana; Tutunaru, Raluca Alexandra; Japie, Ecaterina Maria; Gavriliu, Stefan (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Purpose The aim of this study is to analyze the types of scoliosis, the main implants used to treat them and the results obtained after surgery. Material and methods The study group includes 266 patients with kypho-scoliosis ...
  • Afanasiev, A.P.; Komolkin, I.A.; Caproș, N.F. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    We analyze the treatment of 19 patients aged 5 to 17 years with funnel chest and scoliosis. Combination of the spine and chest severe pathology is specific for the children with system hereditary diseases and seems to ...
  • Volentir, Liviu; Șoric, Sergiu; Stanev, Alexandr; Chimerciuc, Alexandr; Codreanu, Iurie; Petrachi, Nicolae (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Aim: to present the results of surgical treatment using Kapandji method in emergency. Material and methods: were analyzed the results of surgical treatment in patients with distal radius fractures treated in IEM during ...
  • Vistovschii, Alexandr; Stavinschii, Iurii; Madan, Vadim; Hadîrcă, Eduard; Croitor, Gheorghe (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    The aim: Analyzing the results of thalamic calcaneus fracture treatment in dependence of type and treatment method. Materials and methods: There were analyzed 198 clinical cases of calcaneal fractures treated in the clinic ...
  • Vacarciuc, Ion (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    The causes of deforming arthritis of the hand are ligament injuries associated with subluxations and luxations, fractures of the carpal bones, malunions, and osteoarticular diseases as Kienbock disease. There are many ...
  • Tolmaci, Valeriu; Ghitu, Vasile (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Study objectives: The analysis of the results of fractures surgical treatment in the Orthopedics and Traumatology Department of the Regional Hospital. Methods and Materials: 1689 patients were treated in the Orthopaedics ...
  • Tocarciuc, Vitalie; Darciuc, Mihail; Coșciug, Stanislav; Gherghelijiu, Alexandr; Șoric, Sergiu; Darciuc, Dumitru (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    The aim of this study: were the analysis of the results in healing of diaphyseal long tubular fractures by osteosinthesys with intramedulary locked nails in patients treated in IEM. Materials and methods: during the ...
  • Tcaci, Alexandr; Tocarciuc, Vitalie; Chimerciuc, Alexandru; Darciuc, Dumitru; Cosciug, Stanislav; Uncuța, Cristian (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Aim of the study. Evaluation of the surgical treatment of trochanteric fractures obtained during 2013-2015. Materials and methods. During 2013-2015, 119 patients with trochanteric fractures (Evans classification) were ...
  • Ţăruş, Adrian; Darciuc, Mihail; Tocarciuc, Vitalie; Șoric, Sergiu; Chedric, Stepan (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Introduction: Humeral shaft fractures represent approximately 3% of all fractures and 20% of the humeral fractures. Treatment modalities have evolved greatly, however, fundamental management principles have remained the ...
  • Catărău, O.; Verega, G.; Stoian, A.; Iordăchescu, R.; Melenciuc, M.; Vrabii, V. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Introducere. Fracturile asociate cu defecte tisulare sunt considerate urgenţe,necesitând un management sofisticat şi un sistem de gradare pentru obţinerea unei vindecări necomplicate cu o restabilire funcţională comple ...
  • Catărău, O.; Verega, G.; Stoian, A.; Panciuc, A.; Garbuz, M. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Scop. Evidențierea variantelor posibile de migrare la nivelul membrului toracic și trunchiului a lamboului latissimus dorsi pediculat (LDp) și a limitelor permisive pentru obținerea rezultatelor optime reconstructive. Material ...
  • Casian, D.; Culiuc, V.; Bzovîi, F. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Introducere. Complicaţiile limfatice după intervenţiile vasculare periferice sunt relativ rare, dar se pot asocia cu infecție, hemoragie, vindecarea întârziată a plăgii, spitalizarea prolongată și creșterea costurilor ...
  • Carp, L.; Cirimpei, O.; Petrache, N. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Introducere. Sindromul de Burnout (sindromul de epuizare profesională) este o reactie disfuncțională la stres profesional cumulativ și prelungit. Este un sindrom care implică epuizare fizică și emoțională, depersonalizare cu ...
  • Bour, A.; Gugava, V.; Targon, R. (Asociaţia chirurgilor “Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova, 2016)
    Introducere. Boala hemoroidala rămâne o problemă actuală. Ligaturarea transanală a arterelor hemoroidale sub controlul dopplerometriei ultrasonore cu mucopexie (HAL-RAR) este o metodă chirurgicală contemporană, patogenetică, ...

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