Browsing Moldavian Journal of Pediatric Surgery by Title

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  • Razumovsky, A.Yu.; Mitupov, Z.B.; Alkhasov, A.B.; Bataev, S.M.; Stepanenko, N.S.; Zadvernuk, A.S.; Chubko, D.I.; Petrov, A.P.; Ignatiev, R.O. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Purpose: Achalasia of the esophagus is a rare disorder in children, its symptom can mimic common childhood illnesses. In this study, the tactics of managing children with the corresponding pathology and evaluating the ...
  • Abushkin, I.A.; Denis, A.G.; Vasiliev, I.S.; Lapin, V.O.; Galiulin, M.Y.; Romanova, O.A. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Vascular anomalies (VA) are characterized by a wide range of diseases, occurring at different frequencies and significantly different from each other, which presents great difficulties in their diagnosis and treatment. ...
  • Spătaru, Radu-Iulian; Bratu, Niculina; Enculescu, Augustina; Ivanov, Monica; Iozsa, D. A (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Introduction. Alimentary tract duplications are congenital malformations which can occur anywhere from the mouth to anus. Their anatomical presentation varies widely and so their clinical picture, often making their management ...
  • Kuleshov, A.A.; Vetrila, M.S.; Lisyansky, I.N.; Makarov, S.N. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Introduction. Correction of severe spinal deformities remains challenging. Our objective was to describe our experience using three-dimensional (3D) models and individual implants for the correction of severe spinal de ...
  • Bataev, S.M.; Rozinov, V.M.; Ignatyev, R.O.; Zurbaev, N.T.; Afaunov, M.V.; Alkhasov, A.B.; Mitupov, Z.B.; Fedorov, A.K.; Molotov, R.S.; Karpovich, S.V.; Suvorova, V.N. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Introduction. Thoracoscopy became a favored modality in pediatric pleural empyema treatment. However, the factors affecting on outcome of thoracoscopic management remain unclear. Purpose of the study Demonstration of ...
  • Bataev, S.; Rozinov, V.; Ignatiev, R.; Zurbaev, N.; Fedorov, A.; Molotov, R.; Afaunov, M.; Karpovich, S.; Smirnova, S.; Tsilenko, K. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2018)
    Toracoscopia a devenit o modalitate favorizată în tratamentul empiemului pleural la copii. Cu toate acestea, factorii care afectează rezultatul administrării toracoscopice rămân neclari. Scopul studiului este de a demonstra ...
  • Babuci, Stanislav; Petrovici, Virgil; Dogotari, Nicolae; Malanco, Serghei; Pasicovschi, Tatiana (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    In Clinic of Vertebrology, Orthopedics and Traumotology of the “N.Georgiu” Scientifically - Practical Center of Children’s Surgery 29 patients with spine deformations after traumatic injuries in the acute stage have been ...
  • Rusanovschii, Gr.; Romasco, Iu.; Nepaliuc, Iu. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    The diagnosis and treatment of poly-rheumatism remains a current problem that draws the attention of specialists from different medicine fields. Multiple forms of trauma associated with children result from mutual worsening ...
  • Cazacov, V.; Darii, E.; Rosca, Iu.; Cheptea, L. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Purpose: To evaluate the applicability of Baseline Event Anticipation score (BEA), as a prognostic factor for complications in cases of cirrhotic patients. Material and Methods: Population chosen for the study was ...
  • Mazur, V.G.; Antoniuc, M.B.; Garbuz, I.F.; Moiseenko, A.A.; Ignatov, A.D.; Gutsul, D.M. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    We conducted a retrospective analysis of pharmacological treatment of infantile hemangioma (IH, vascular hyperplasia) with beta-blockers (enteral use of Propranolol and topical use of Timolol) in our pediatric ...
  • Menovshchikova, L; Sottaeva, Z.; Gurevich, A.; Dzhavathanova, R.; Abramova, A. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Purpose: Bladder / bowel dysfunction is a relatively frequent condition of various etiologies in children. The aim of the study was to evaluate the informative value of transperineal sonography of the pelvic floor muscles in ...
  • Curajos, B.; Bernic, J.; Roller, V.; Curajos, A.; Celac, V.; Revenco, A.; Fosa, E. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2021)
    Stenoza congenitală a uretrei posterioare se întâlnește frecvent și duce la tulburarea întregului tract urinar - uretra suprastenotică, colul vezicii urinare, vezica urinară, ureterohidronefroză, mai frecvent bilateral. ...
  • Basilayshvili, Yu.V.; Shtyker, S.Yu. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    In the practice of a doctor, rare, casuistic diseases occur, accounting for less than 5% of all lesions of an organ. Single cases of intussusception in a child owing to Burkitt’s lymphoma have been described. The child ...
  • Babuci, Stanislav; Petrovici, Virgil; Dogotari, Nicolae; David, Valeriu (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2019)
    În cazurile de chist hidatic relația gazdă-parazit este interactivă, evoluția bolii fiind dependentă de echilibrul între mecanismele sistemului imun ale gazdei și de strategiile complexe de evaziune ale agentului ...
  • Gudumac, Eva; Babuci, Stanislav; Haidarlî, Doina (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2021)
    Autorii ilustrează varietatea și gravitatea complicațiilor postoperatorii ce se dezvoltă după tratamentul chirurgical primar al atreziei congenitale de esofag, inclusiv dehiscențele anastomotice, recurența fistulei ...
  • Akselrov, M.A.; Kokoshtan, A.A.; Shvetsov, I.V.; Malchevsky, V.A.; Emel’janova, V.A. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Relevance. The progress of achievements in surgery is associated with the desire to perform an operation less traumatic and with the best cosmetic effect. These requirements are met by laparoscopic surgery of one access ...
  • Unknown author (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Introduction: The post-treatment analysis of clinical and socio-occupational status is a deceptive way in portal hypertension surgery in cirrhosis. Purpose: To monitor the evolution of cirrhotic patients and the response ...
  • Babuci, Stanislav; Petrovici, Virgil; Eremia, Victor (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2021)
    Cazul prezentat ilucidează principiile de diagnostic și tratament chirurgical în chistul de arc II branchial la copii, autorii descriind și modificările morfopatologice caracteristice în această formațiune malformativă. ...
  • Negru, I.; Pisarenco, A.; Malai, A. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2019)
    Scopul studiului a fost evaluarea rezultatelor clinico-paraclinice ale afecțiunilor malformative ale peretelui abdominal cu identificarea factorilor de risc congenitali și dobândiți care au influențat prognosticul ...
  • Garbuz, I.F.; Bryzgalov, S.A. (National Society of Pediatric Surgery of the Republic of Moldova, 2017)
    Coccygodynia is the pain in the zone of the coccygeal bone. The cause is injury. The purpose is to determine the main clinical and X-ray signs of coccygodeny in childhood and to justify the effectiveness of her surgical ...

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