Obstetrică și ginecologie: Recent submissions

  • Cebotari, Eugenia; Chichicea, Alla; Corolcova, Natalia; Burnusus, Constantin (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    According to WHO, the frequency of oligoamnios is above 4% , the percentage of hydroamnios is 1%, of which 20% of cases evolve with fetal malformations. Till now, a certain cause of these pathologies is unknown, suspecting ...
  • Malai, Sergiu; Iliadi-Tulbure, Corina; Ciobanu, Victor (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Despite numerous investigations in contemporary obstetrics the management of pregnancy in cardiovascular disease remains current. Cardiovascular disease ranks four (after infection, pregnancy-induced hypertension and ...
  • Tăutu, Ludmila; Roşu, Viorica (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    In spite of all measures taken abortion remains the most widely used method of fertility control in Moldova . Analyzing the dynamics of abortion, we found large differences in the ratio of abortion in different districts ...
  • Dondiuc, Iurie; Cardaniuc, Corina (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The study was directed to evaluate the effect of epidural analgesia and Promedol analgesia during labor on intrauterine fetal condition. Analgesic efficiency of methods, the maternal adverse effects and duration of labor ...
  • Cauş, Cătălin (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Acute pelvic inflammatory disease is defined as an ascending infection of the upper genital tract leading to infection of the endometrium, fallopian tubes, ovaries and peritoneum. Acute PID is an ill understood, inaccurately ...
  • Cauş, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Ovarian reserve is the term used to describe the number of good quality eggs left within a woman’s ovaries. A woman is born with approximately 1,5 million eggs and over her reproductive life her egg numbers will decline ...
  • Cebotari, Eugenia; Chichicea, Alla; Corolcova, Natalia; Burnusus, C. (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    According to WHO, the frequency of hydroamnios is 1%, of which 20% of cases evaluate with fetal malformations. This illness represents a complex response of the maternal and fetal organism to expressed problem of health ...
  • Levinţa, Svetlana; Castraveţ, Irina (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This article represents a literature review on the topic "The pulmonary embolism and venous thrombosis in obstetrics". There was performed a detailed study of different prestigious sources that described this pathology. ...
  • Caproş, Hristiana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Knowledge of spine congenital anomalies risk factors is very important to prevent them in the prenatal stage. A screening for vertebral embryo-fetal malformations should include detailed history of exposure to risk ...
  • Revencu, Tatiana (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The diagnosis of the cause of infertility is not very easy especially when it is necessary to establish the status of the Fallopian tubes. Hysterosalpingography(HSG) is very often practised for this purpose, but the rate ...
  • Catrinici, Rodica; Friptu, Valentin; Catrinici, Larisa (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Prolonged pregnancy develop in 85% cases with immature cervix, which promotes infringement of the birth disturbance, with subsequent negative results on the evolution of labor, with increased obstetric interventions and ...
  • Agop, Silvia; Cerneţchi, Olga (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The evolution of the viral herpes infection in pregnant women has lately been characterized by a considerable increase of the disease with chronic evolution, with an abortive clinical picture in which the existing symptoms ...
  • Cauş, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Inhibin B is a heterodimetric glycoprotein released by the granulosa cells of the follicle. The low concentration was predictive for a poor ovarian response and decreased the success 137 during IVF cycles. Inhibin B ...
  • Tocarciuc, Ina; Friptu, Valentin; Cardaniuc, Corina; Surguci, Mihaail; Bîtcă, Tamara; Todiraş, Mihail (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Dysmenorrhoea is a common gynecological problem representing painful cramps accompanying menstruation which in the absence of underlying pathology is called primary dysmenorrhea. Progresses in studying the biochemistry ...
  • Pavlov, Elena; Badea, Victoria; Ciobanu, Victor (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This article examine aspects of etiology and etiopathogenesis of premature birth.Here were investigated 190 medical record on retrospective analysis.In the following way three study groups were obtained according to ...
  • Eşanu, Taisia; Cerneţchi, Olga; Dondiuc, Iurie (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Today, in the most of countries in the world, according to the exigencies of qualitative medical care, in different domains of medicine, standardized clinical protocols have been introduced. As a result of this tendency, ...
  • Popovici, Sabina; Dobrioglo, Iulia; Ciobanu, Victor (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Endometritis still remains one of the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality, holding her place among the pathologies which influence directly the feto-maternal parameters. In the present study were analyzed ...
  • Catrinici, Rodica; Friptu, Valentin; Catrinici, Larisa (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    This article presents the studies conducted to determine risk factors that contribute to the development of the prolonged pregnancy. The results were obtained in the assessment of the particularities of gynecological, ...
  • Agop, Silvia (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    The study estimated an increased incidence (32.2%) of infected newborns from mothers who have suffered from GH (genital herpes) during pregnancy. In the study group comparing with the control group, the level of neonatal ...
  • Cauş, Natalia (CEP Medicina, 2011)
    Anti Mullerian hormone(AMH) is a member of the transforming growth factor B family of growth and differentiation factors. In the ovary, AMH has a inhibitory effect on primordial follicle recruitment as well as on the ...

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