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Revista de Științe ale Sănătății din Moldova : Moldovan Journal of Health Sciences 2024 Vol. 11, Issue 2 Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 886
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Portal vein thrombosis: diagnosis and treatmentSamiksha, Verma
2024Reily syndrome (rectus sheath hematoma)Maruthurethu, Biju Lidiya; Ursu, Alexandr
2024Neuro-endocrine tumor of pancreasJincin, Josey
2024De Garengeot herniaShanthkumar Silli, Shrusthi
2024Role of cytoreductive surgery and HIPEC in the management of peritoneal surface malignanciesNarayanappa, Poorvika
2024Robotic surgeryNarayanappa, Poorvika
2024Actual use of surgical options for left-sided complicated colonic diverticulitis: comparing Hartmann’s procedure vs colonic resection and primary anastomosisPazhampillil, Aleena John; Malcova, Tatiana
2024Sexual dysfunction and male infertility as long-term complications of inguinal hernia mesh repairSananda, Anan; Malcova, Tatiana
2024Pseudoanevrismul pancreatic hemoragic – aspecte diagnostico - curative: caz clinicSavciuc, Serafim
2024Hartmann’s procedure: everything we need to knowShahanas, Tharayil; Ursu, Alexandr
2024Multimodal treatment in gastric adenocarcinoma - clinical caseNarayanappa, Poorvika
2024Impactul implementării conduitei modificate în ischemia acută a membrelor inferioare asupra rezultatelor precoce ale tratamentuluiPredenciuc, Alexandru; Culiuc, Vasile; Casian, Dumitru
2024Neuroplasticity processes in SchizophreniaPrivalov, Diana
2024Clinical imaging correlations in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum DisordersPoulose, Dafna
2024Prognostic factors in Guillain Barre syndromeOswin, Roy
2024Dang Gui Shao Yao San (DSS) in the treatment of primary dysmenorrheaNair, Arathy; Fișer, Lucia
2024Pain in acquired demyelinating polyneuropathiesSheeba, Hilda
2024Evolutive features of viral and bacterial meningoencephalitis in childrenAbdullah, Aslaha
2024Influence of social media on disease perceptionAfham Khan, Mohammed
2024Role of CGRP-mediated neuroinflammation in trigeminal nerve injuryAbdul Raheem, Mohammed; Tazeen, Fatima; Kubickova, Lucie
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 886


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