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Browsing „Cells and tissues transplantation. Actualities and perspectives. The 2-nd edition”. Chisinau, March 29-30th 2024 by Issue Date

Browsing „Cells and tissues transplantation. Actualities and perspectives. The 2-nd edition”. Chisinau, March 29-30th 2024 by Issue Date

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  • David, Valeriu; Petrovici, Virgil; Globa, Tatiana; Carpenco, Ecaterina; Șaptefrați, Lilian (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Angiopoietins contribute to vascular and angiogenic processes, playing a crucial role in establishing a functional placental vascular system that supports the intrauterine growth of the embryo and fetus. ...
  • David, Valeriu; Petrovici, Virgil; Globa, Tatiana; Carpenco, Ecaterina; Fulga, Veaceslav (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Angiopoietins are part of vasculo- and angiogenesis with an important role in the formation of a functional placental vascular network, capable of supporting the intrauterine development ...
  • Parii, Sergiu; Ungureanu, Alina; Nicolai, Eugeniu; Cociug, Adrian; Cabac, Vasile; Valica, Vladimir (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Drug treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SHL) is characterized by: administration of preparations from various pharmacological groups (nootropics, antioxidants, corticosteroids, etc.), combined ...
  • Rotaru, Ludmila; Sidorenko, Ludmila (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Gaucher disease (GD) is a rare metabolic disease with autosomal recessive transmission, caused by the mutation of the GBA gene, which causes a deficient synthesis of the enzyme β- glucocerebrosidase. As ...
  • Babuci, Angela; Zorina, Zinovia; Postu, Nicoleta; Lehtman, Sofia; Botnari, Tatiana; Botnaru, Doina; Ostahi, Nadia (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. In recent decades, a rejuvenation of the pathology of the thyroid gland has been observed, including thyroid tumors. The pathology of the thyroid gland has been increasing lately in our country, and one of ...
  • Zorina, Zinovia; Babuci, Angela; Bîtca, Tatiana; Botnari, Tatiana; Botnaru, Doina (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Due to its large diameter and low risk of thrombosis, the axillary artery (AA) is lately used in carrying out the coronary angiography. Taking into consideration that the distal portion of the AA is the most ...
  • Pașa, Diana; Catereniuc, Ilia (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. The terminal branches of the brachial artery, the radial and ulnar arteries have an applicative value. The radial artery is one of the main arteries of the forearm and hand. Usually, the brachial ...
  • Cobîleanschii, Eugen; Cobîleanscaia, Liubovi (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. The progressive evolutionary forms of liver cirrhosis are especially characterized by the damage to the hepatic arterial.circuit. Although the blood flow through the hepatic artery is much lower than through ...
  • Zorina, Zinovia; Babuci, Angela; Șchiopu, Oliviu; Botnari, Tatiana; Botnaru, Doina (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. The esophago-gastric junction (EGJ) has a physiological sphincter that enables the passage of the alimentary bolus and prevents the gastroesophageal reflux (GER). The medical community highlighted this ...
  • Babuci, Angela; Zorina, Zinovia; Lehtman, Sofia; Motelica, Gabriela; Nastas, Liliana; Ostahi, Nadia; Tcaci, Anastasia (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. In parotid tumor ablation, maxillo-facial surgery and mastoidectomy for preservation of the facial nerve trunk (FNT) integrity it is very important to identify the facial nerve (FN) course on its premandibular ...
  • Guzun, Gheorghe; Turchin, Radu (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Currently, complex liver pathology has imposed an increased need for surgical interventions at this level, which has required a detailed knowledge of hepatic blood circulation. An important place ...
  • Osman, Victor; Osman, Vitalie; Vetricean, Sergiu; Furculița, Daniel; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Surgical interventions for nasal reshaping, such as rhinoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty, have gained significant popularity among the population. Currently, these procedures are increasingly performed ...
  • Jian, Mariana; Ficai, Anton; Oprea, Ovidiu Cristian; Motelica, Ludmila; Cobzac, Vitalie; Mostovei, Andrei; Nacu, Ana-Maria; Ficai, Denisa; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Collagen is the most abundant protein in animals. As part of the extracellular matrix it presents a true material for biomedical applications due to its versatility [1, 2]. An essential parameter of collagen ...
  • Caușan, Corina; Ivan, Daniel-Cornel; Radu, Ghenadie (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. In the context of the research of a wide range of applications in the field of transplantology, the promotion of this type of services is aimed at, as well as the formation of socio- economic ...
  • Toma, Maria Mirabela; Porada, Sergiu; Paduca, Ala (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Amniotic membrane transplantation has been recently gained wide-spread attention as a new method for reconstruction of the ocular surface. It is used in ophthalmology as a substrate for the growth of ...
  • Samson, Stella; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Endodontic regeneration shows promise in treating dental pulp diseases, however, no suitable scaffolds exist for pulp regeneration. Acellular natural extracellular matrix is a favorable scaffold ...
  • Mihaluța, Viorica; Stoian, Alina; Ignatova, Olga; Raischi, Ion; Verega, Grigore; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background.There are many applications of the amniotic membrane in regenerative medicine, it serves as a source of stem cells and potent growth factors and like a very biocompatible natural ...
  • Cojocari, Ștefan; Cobzac, Vitalie; Nacu, Viorel; Cociug, Adrian; Buzu, Dumitru; Vacarciuc, Ion; Ticu, Ion; Guțu, Andrian; Suveica, Teodor; Caproș, Nicolae (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. The paper explores the applicability and efficiency of bone augmentation in combination with internal fixation as a primary strategy in the treatment of malunited or non-united fractures and pseudarthrosis in ...
  • Țaralunga, Tatiana; Paduca, Ala; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. Tissue engineering is a progressing field that unites cells, biomaterials and biochemical factors focused at replacing, maintaining and substituting different kind of tissues. A major role is played by the ...
  • Timuș, Cristina; Ababii, Polina; Danilov, Lucian; Nacu, Viorel (CEP Medicina, 2024)
    Background. After healing the palatine tonsils in the complex conservative treatment of chronic tonsillitis, an important role is the stimulation of local immunity by applying autologous mononuclear cells. This is done ...

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