Introduction. Cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) is a condition characterized by the complex bidirectional relationship between the heart and kidneys, leading to acute or chronic dysfunction of these organs. The relationship between cardiorenal connectors and hemodynamic and nonhemodynamic factors is essential to understanding this syndrome. The clinical importance of these interactions relates to the observed changes in hemodynamic factors, neurohormonal markers, and inflammatory processes. It is a complex disease that is associated with adverse reactions, increased risk of hospitalization, mortality and decreased quality of life. Aim of study. Study of cardiorenal syndrome based on contemporary literature. Methods and materials. A systematic review of the literature was performed using the Medline, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases to identify relevant articles referring to "cardiorenal syndrome", "heart failure" and "chronic kidney disease". Results. This review focuses on the classification and subcategories of the cardiorenal syndrome, the clinical significance of biomarkers in the diagnosis of CRS, and the identification of mechanisms underlying its development and progression. In the end, the review summarizes the available therapeutic options that can improve the survival of patients with CRS and/or mitigate the progression of the disease. Conclusion. Cardiorenal syndrome must be managed appropriately to efficiently reduce mortality and morbidity rates, requiring a strategic, multidisciplinary, multidimensional, and systematic approach. Managing CRS provides valuable perspectives for researchers, healthcare professionals, and decision-makers involved in the complex management and treatment of this condition. bidirectional relationship between the heart and kidneys, l eading to acute or chronic dysfunction of these organs. The relationship between cardiorenal conn ectors and hemodynamic and nonhemodynamic factors is essential to understanding this syndrom e. The clinical importance of these interactions relates to the observed changes in hemodynami c factors, neurohormonal markers, and inflammatory processes. It is a complex disease that i s associated with adverse reactions, increased risk of hospitalization, mortality and decreased quality o f life. Aim of study. Study of cardiorenal syndrome based on contemporary lite rature. Methods and materials. A systematic review of the literature was performed using th e Medline, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases to identify rel evant articles referring to "cardiorenal syndrome", "heart failure" and "chronic kid ney disease". Results. This review focuses on the classification and subcategories of the cardiorenal syndrome, the clinical significance of biomarkers in the diagnosi s of CRS, and the identification of mechanisms underlying its development and progression. In th e end, the review summarizes the available therapeutic options that can improve the survival o f patients with CRS and/or mitigate the progression of the disease. Conclusion. Cardiorenal syndrome must be managed appropriately to eff iciently reduce mortality and morbidity rates, requiring a strategic, multidisciplinar y, multidimensional, and systematic approach. Managing CRS provides valuable perspectives for rese archers, healthcare professionals, and decision-makers involved in the complex management and t reatment of this condition.