Introduction. The promotion of oral health is currently a necessity, it directly contributes to educating, changing the behavior of the population, creating a healthy family environment and adopting a healthy lifestyle, with proper oral hygiene practices. Aim of study. Evaluation of the effectiveness of interactive methods to promote oral health in rural school-aged children. Methods and materials. The study was carried out in the premises of an educational institution in the municipality of Râșcani, on a sample of 54 children, aged between 11 and 14 years. Children were clinically examined, clinical data were collected in accordance with World Health Organization criteria. Oral hygiene status was assessed using the OHI-S (G. Green, I. Vermillion 1964). The evaluation of the children's initial knowledge was carried out using the questionnaire method (Questionnaire 1). Afterwards, the children received an interactive educational session in the classroom, dedicated to oral hygiene training and dental disease prevention dedicated to oral hygiene training and dental disease prevention that included an interactive presentation, the True or False game, demonstration of an instructional video film, demonstration of tooth brushing technique on casts. Questionnaire 2 was used to evaluate the effectiveness of health education. In the questionnaires, the usual language was used, the questions were short, neutral and clearly formulated. The study was conducted in accordance with ethical requirements, with the written consent of the children's parents being obtained. The analysis of the obtained data was carried out using parametric and non-parametric tests of Excel and Epi Info Software, with the help of their functions and modules. Results. Following the evaluation of the state of oral hygiene, it was found that in the children included in the study, the average value of the OHI-S index was 1.46±2.28. The satisfactory state of oral hygiene was appreciated in 53.7%, and unsatisfactory - in 14.81% of the children. The statistical processing of Questionnaires 1 revealed that only 29.62% of the children interviewed mentioned that they brushed their teeth twice a day, 57.42% of the children - only once a day, and 12.96% stated that they brush your teeth a few times a week. Following the application of interactive methods to promote oral health, the number of children who brush their teeth twice a day increased by 42.6%, and those who regularly sanitize their oral cavity decreased by 7.4%. The state of oral hygiene improved 1.43 times, the average value of the OHI-S index becoming 1.02±1.14. Conclusion. Interactive methods of promoting oral health are efficient motivating children and boosting the activities of proper hygienic care of the oral cavity. The implementation of interactive methods to promote oral health in groups organized by children is necessary to be carried out within health education programs implemented at the community level. educating, changing the behavior of the population, creating a healthy family environment and adopting a healthy lifestyle, with proper oral hygiene prac tices. Aim of study. Evaluation of the effectiveness of interactive metho ds to promote oral health in rural school-aged children. Methods and materials. The study was carried out in the premises of an educational institution in the municipality of Râșcani, on a sample of 54 children, aged between 11 and 14 years. Children were clinically examined, clinical data were collected in a ccordance with World Health Organization criteria. Oral hygiene status was assessed using t he OHI-S (G. Green, I. Vermillion 1964). The evaluation of the children's initial knowledge was ca rried out using the questionnaire method (Questionnaire 1). Afterwards, the children received an interactive educational session in the classroom, dedicated to oral hygiene training and dental disease prevention dedicated to oral hygiene training and dental disease prevention that included a n interactive presentation, the True or False game, demonstration of an instructional video film, demonstration of tooth brushing technique on casts. Questionnaire 2 was used to evaluate the ef fectiveness of health education. In the questionnaires, the usual language was used, the questions wer e short, neutral and clearly formulated. The study was conducted in accordance with ethica l requirements, with the written consent of the children's parents being obtained. The analys is of the obtained data was carried out using parametric and non-parametric tests of Excel and Ep i Info Software, with the help of their functions and modules. Results. Following the evaluation of the state of oral hygiene, it was found that in the children included in the study, the average value of the OHI-S index was 1.46±2.28. The satisfactory state of oral hygiene was appreciated in 53.7%, and unsatisfactory - in 14.81% of the children. The statistical processing of Questionnaires 1 revealed that only 29.62% of the children interviewed mentioned that they brushed their teeth twice a day, 57.42% o f the children - only once a day, and 12.96% stated that they brush your teeth a few times a week. Following the application of interactive methods to promote oral health, the number o f children who brush their teeth twice a day increased by 42.6%, and those who regularly sanitize their o ral cavity decreased by 7.4%. The state of oral hygiene improved 1.43 times, the average value of the OHI-S index becoming 1.02±1.14. Conclusion. Interactive methods of promoting oral health are effic ient motivating children and boosting the activities of proper hygienic care of the ora l cavity. The implementation of interactive methods to promote oral health in groups organized by children is necessary to be carried out within health education programs implemented at the communit y level.