Volumul 1: Recent submissions

  • Borovic, Ecaterina (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Glutathione is an abundant natural tripeptide found within almost all cells. It instills several vital roles within a cell including antioxidation, maintenance of the redox state, modulation of the immune response and ...
  • Relaxina 
    Motriuc, Veronica; Marian, Ina (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The twentieth century was characterized by a focus on research of biologically active proteins and peptides. As a result a number of peptides with heterogeneous structures, properties and functions, but with important ...
  • Gudumac, Valentin; Rudic, Valeriu; Tagadiuc, Olga; Ştîrba, Olga; Andronache, Lilia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Sulphatated polysaccharides from Spirulina platensis (PSS) administered per os in dose of 125 mg/kg in normal physiological conditions caused prevailing prooxidant changes of the oxidant-antioxidant balance. CCl4 intoxication ...
  • Tagadiuc, Olga; Gudumac, Valentin; Rîvneac, Victor; Andronache, Lilia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    We studied the influence of copper coordinative compounds CMT-28 and CMT-67 and their combination with cyanobacterial remedy BioR on hepatic lysosomal proteases activity in intoxication with propylene glycol (PG). It was ...
  • Gudumac, Valentin; Sardari, Veronica; Tagadiuc, Olga; Andronache, Lilia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The action of some bioremedies of algal origin with different content of organically linked Zn on activities of the bone tissue, specific enzymes such as thermolabile alkaline phosphatase and tartrate-resistant-acid ...
  • Anton, Mihail; Bobcova, Svetlana; Lîsîi, Leonid (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Nitric oxide, synthesized in vascular endothelium, macrophages, neutrophils, adrenals, cerebellum and other tissues from endogenous L-arginine and oxygen by the nitric oxide synthase, has an important role in inter- and ...
  • Petrovici, Virgil; Gudumac, Eva; Babuci, Veaceslav; Samciuc, Ştefan; Tcacenco, V.; Malanco, S. (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Our researches deal connected with intraoperatory puction-biopsy of the liver by using of a semiautomatic device Bard Magnum Biopsy System in order to assess themorphopatological features of the hepatic parenchyma in the ...
  • Şaptefraţi, Lilian (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Epithelial changes from preneoplastic lesions (dysplasia), preinvasive carcinoma and invasive carcinoma, caused by the HPV infection are detailed described. Although that data from the last years have been well demonstrated ...
  • Lopotencu, Eugenia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    For the main vessel of the upper limb or the subclavioaxilohumeral trunk is characteristic persistence of arterial variants preponderantly located at the level of the middle segment of the axilary artery. More commonly ...
  • Rîvneac, Elena; Gudumac, Valentin; Rudic, Valeriu; Pretula, Ruslan; Rîvneac, Victor (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    It was investigated the role of the lysosome cisteine proteinases - cathepsins B, H and L - in cirrhotic rat liver during the cirrhosis regression and the influence of the remedy BioRSe on the activity of these enzymes. ...
  • Gavriliţă, Anastasia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The dento-maxillary apparatus has a major role for the human body assuring the oral digestion; sound articulation, at the same time contributing to the definition of physiognomy and appearance. According to statistics, the ...
  • Popescu, Ana; Coţofan, Nadejda (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Histological researches in cases of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), using the imunohistochemistry method, proves the special impact of the macrophage cell activity, as well as the other cells of the immune system ...
  • Hîțu, Ilie; Hîțu, Dumitru; Andrieș, Vasile; Ștefaneț, Mihail (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Teeth anomalies can be separately presented bat frequently they can be associated with others organism’s anomalies. The clinical cases are to consolidate the literature’s date. Detecting the local anf general, social and ...
  • Mazuru, Vitalie (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Lymphatic vessels represent a duplication of venous vascular system. Promote the connection between all compartments of lymphatic system and, as a result, make possible the realizing of its specific functions such as: ...
  • Belic, Olga; Ștefaneț, Mihail; Spinei, Larisa; Arama, Efim; Nacu, Viorel; Babuci, Angela (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Frequency of the lienal traumatisms was established by analyzing the data of the 154 595 medical records from the National Scientific and Practical Center of emergency medicine (Chisinau) during the period from 1999 to ...
  • Taşnic, Mihail (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    An abnormal origin of the left coronary artery has been determined, known as Bland-White-Garland syndrome. Macroscopically the hyperdominant right coronary type of blood supply has been established. The abnormal origin ...
  • Bdarnah, Nader; Sawaid, Ali (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The study was performed in order to determine possible variations and frequency of the valves of inferior vena cava and coronary sinus. Studiul a fost efectuat cu scopul de a determina variantele posibile şi frecvenţa ...
  • Ştefaneţ, Mihail; Babuci, Angela; Batâr, Dumitru; Titov, Tamara; Belic, Olga; Hacina, Tamara; Cetan, Galina (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The morphological peculiarities of the vascular elements correlate with anatomical and functional specific features, and as well with developmental peculiarities of the funiculo-testicular complex. They supply nutrients ...
  • Andrieș, Vasile; Catereniuc, Ilia; Cherdivarenco, Natalia; Lupașcu, Tudor; Globa, Lilian; Babuci, Angela; Titova, Tamara; Poburnaia, Emilia (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    The organ and tissue transplantation is widely used in contemporary surgery. Taking into consideration the nervous interorganic connections there have been studied in details the principles that are on the base of the ...
  • Hacina, Tamara (CEP Medicina, 2010)
    Intramural structures of the ascending aorta were examined, which increased in the recent years interest for clinicians. A study was undertaken to find answers on current questions related to cardiology and angiology, ...

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